When a tooth broke beyond simple repair, or needed the protection of a crown or onlay for a myriad of reasons, you used to have to come in for 2 visits several weeks apart, maybe deal with a rough temporary restoration, discomfort, or need to come in for a replacement because it broke when you ate a sandwich. Well those days are over! We now employ state-of-the-art 3D CEREC milling technology by Sirona to make your restorations in the office same day while you watch the process, take a walk by our wisteria bushes, or drink your coffee and read a magazine. The result is a highly esthetic, precision fitted restoration that produces a perfect interface between itself and your tooth. We strive for excellence and convenience for our patient family - and this is the apex of modern care at our fingertips! Ask us about it next time you are in, we would love to share our passion for this technology.